Teeth & Tastebuds
This project is to educate children as early as possible to improve their dental awareness, oral hygiene and the impact their food choices can have on their teeth. We want to encourage healthy oral hygiene and eating habits so they can keep their teeth for life.
Child care centres & Pre-schools
Children are more vulnerable to tooth decay due to their inability to properly look after their teeth. We want to educate them early about the importance of health dental habits such as home oral care and visiting the dentist.
For your kiddies
Our online store (JACO Dental Shop) provides a wide range of daily care and specialty oral health products.
We support your kids to achieve a better understanding of teeth and dentists by providing incursions that are:
Easy to understand
Short and sweet
Working together
We work closely with centre owners and managers to improve the oral and dental health of children by providing:
Incursion activities
Take-home materials for their parents/guardians
Relaxed and fun approach to understanding teeth
Product samples
To discuss how we can work together to educate your kids about oral and dental health of your centre, please fill out the form.
We look forward to working with you and your team.
Mothers' groups
[Under construction]
Watch this space!
For your kiddies
Our online store (JACO Dental Shop) provides a wide range of daily care and specialty oral health products.
We support your kids to achieve a better understanding of teeth and dentists by providing:
Small-sized excursions to our clinic
Visits to your group
Age-specific information
Easy to understand materials
Engaging and fun learning
Working together
We work closely with your group to improve the the understanding of oral health of children by providing:
Excursion visits tailored to the age of your kids group
Take-home materials for parents/guardians
Relaxed and fun approach to understanding teeth, the dentist, and dental clinic
Product samples
To discuss how we can work together to educate your kids about oral and dental health, please fill out the form.
We look forward to working with you and your group.